ChronoBank Dev Update #9 blog
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2017


We launched uPort support!


A lot of work has been completed on LaborX’s smart contracts. We have finished and covered by tests user management and payment processing, which has been updated to accept any ERC20-compatible assets with customisable fee distribution and an external interface for escrows and arbitrage. Our users library manages identities in the same way that uPort does, so you’re able to recover your account if there is any kind of issue, or use your LaborX identity for external Ethereum services (we are aiming to emulate the uPort interface). The skills library has also been completed and covered by tests. At the moment we are working hard to create a robust ratings feature. Initial job controller development has also begun.


In recent weeks we’ve spent many hours addressing internal bugs related to libraries we are using, which are continually being upgraded and pushing new issues to our project. We have significantly improved our transaction processing algorithms. We have added a universal transaction queue with user notifications of current transactions and their statuses. We are still working on i18n implementation, which pushes multilingual support to our user interface. A lot of additional languages will now be supported. We are looking for volunteers who can help us to produce translations for the interface.

We have added initial uPort support, so you can authenticate with the uPort beta mobile application to the Ropsten-deployed version of ChronoMint smart contracts using your uPort identity. We’ve implemented initial Oraclize support with special Oraclize contracts, which will be used to track token exchange rates automatically from popular exchanges like Kraken, Poloniex and Bittrex. We have fixed mobile layouts of our current interface version. Restyled interfaces will be announced in an upcoming release. We have also almost finished universal ERC20 token support for our wallet, which will allow users to manage any ERC20-compatible funds in the same way that MyEtherWallet does. This will be introduced in the very next deployment, so stay tuned.

Dev tools

We discovered a lot of issues while using Infura public nodes, so we decided to introduce our own Ethereum node for each and every Ethereum network (Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby and Mainnet, at the present time). We have also encountered some bugs while dry running our transactions after Truffle and solc version upgrade, which related to testrpc internals, so we have had to introduce our own testrpc fork with some fixes. We are also pushing small fixes to other npm packets on regular basis. We added ethereum-bridge to our projects, which helps communicate with the Oraclize infrastructure when running through testrpc contracts deployments.

That’s all for now!



Blockchain-powered products for HR. Using blockchain to streamline global access to work and payments