ChronoBank Development Part 2: The Next Six Months blog
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2 min readJul 17, 2017


In the first part of this article, we reviewed what ChronoBank had achieved since its inception back in October 2016. The second part looks forward to the end of 2017 and beyond, and where we plan to be when the project has been live for 18 months.

1 July 2017: ChronoWallet desktop launch on testnet, ChronoWallet mobile beta. This month, our flagship wallet application will hit testnet and users will be able to see the first version of the mobile wallet in beta. This should give a strong sense of how we plan to engage our core audiences and the kind of functionality and user experience we want to roll out to capture our core markets.

1 August 2017: ChronoWallet desktop launch on mainnet, ChronoWallet mobile release. With a fairly aggressive but achievable timetable, we plan to launch the release candidate of the ChronoWallet on mainnet a month after its testnet debut. We’ll also be releasing the mobile wallet. At this point, all the basic functionality should be in place and any bugs located and addressed.

1 September 2017: ChronoMint launch on mainnet. With the worker/user wallet in place, the next step is to launch the ChronoMint app. This will enable clients to post job listings, with Ethereum’s smart contracts enforcing payments and ultimately the full range of functionality, including the extensive reputation system.

1 October 2017: LaborX alpha. The first iteration of our decentralised exchange will be created a month after that. We have committed to the 0x open protocol for exchanges, meaning that LaborX will be compatible with all exchanges that follow the same standard. This is important to improve liquidity and cross-exchange trading, rather than simply contributing to the existing fragmented ecosystem.

1 November 2017: LaborX beta. Towards the end of the year LaborX will be in beta, ready for internal testing.

1 December 2017: LaborX launch on testnet. At this point, we will make the exchange available to the community to test. This will be a critical phase for such an important aspect of the project. LaborX is fundamental to ChronoBank’s business model. Smooth operation of the exchange and excellent liquidity is a prerequisite for workers and clients being able to leverage the platform for maximum benefit.

1 February 2018: LaborX launch on mainnet. Finally, we expect the release candidate for LaborX to hit the network early in 2018. By this point, all of the initial pieces are in place for the ChronoBank platform to provide the services we committed to build at ICO. It will then be a question of building on this by bringing more businesses and freelancers on board, and iterating our software in response to market feedback.








Blockchain-powered products for HR. Using blockchain to streamline global access to work and payments